Monday, July 18, 2011

Why do people take royalty seriously in this day and age?

Some of the posters on this site need to get a life. Thinking that royalty has any relevant purpose in the modern age is preposterous. Thank goodness for modern media which has helped show that royals are nothing more than tabloid soap opera characters that can claim a pedigree. As a Brit (now living overseas), I am appalled to see the British head of state wearing gargantuan jewels that are the spoils from raping the resources of former colonies (just look at what Elizabeth was wearing at the state dinner for the Obamas). I'm also terribly embarrassed that Elizabeth's family (the so-called royal family) is supposed to be representative of the British people. They are a disgraceful dysfunctional lot of spoiled inbred brats who live off the taxpayers. And don't try to defend them by saying they earn their keep by cutting a few ribbons and shaking a few hands at the local hospital. Hogwash. Let's hope it all ends with QE2 so that the UK can be seen by the rest of the world for its true greatness that is not overshadowed by the likes of Charles and Camilla serving as representatives for the country on the world stage.

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