Saturday, July 23, 2011

Anyone on the ledward army base in schweinfurt germany ?

I lived in germany for about 2 yrs, my husband was in the army. me and my girlfriends always drank this amazingly good white wine, now the problem is. We don't remember the name. You can only get it on the army base ledward barracks at the shoppette/ class six. The bottle is clear and has a red butterfly on it. If anyone could find the name to it we would greatly appreciate it. anyone could find the name to it we would greatly appreciate it.

Is it wrong to leave food on plate?

so i used to eat quite a bit but ever since i decided to lead a healthy lifestyle i have cut down on my intake of food. I mean i dont starve, if im hungry i'll defi eat but it seems like now restaurant portions are just too big for me! i chew my food slowly so prob by the end of the meal i'll still have 1/4 of my food left. My mum kept commenting that i should just eat the food and she doesn't believe that im genuinely full. Its kind of irritating cause i dont like the feeling of bloatedness. I've only started this healthy living thing this yr so you can probably say its a drastic change? What should i do to make her trust me that im really full?

Why are my parents so worried for nothing?

They're worried just because I decided to eat minimal junk food because I used to eat a lot, and because I decided I wanted to lose weight I'm 5"2 and I was at like 137 and so I'm like 115-118 now and they're concerned about it because I don't eat like a pig anymore.. I still eat ike 1200 calories a day so it's not like im starving myself. How can I get them to stop worrying? I exercise a lot on my bike too.

We Michelle Obama now be waging war on ATMs?

Since Barrack Obama is busy fighting the wars Bush left him as well as the two wars he started himself(Libya and Yemen). Will he now have his wife Michelle wage war on ATMs? We all know how well her "war on obesity" went. Those damn ATMs, stealing our jobs and increasing our standard of living. Destroy them all!!!!!

How can I tell my parents this...?

I have been starving myself for a long time, and binging and purging. I am getting weaker and weaker and I am just miserable! I'm so scared to tell my parents that I have an eating disorder, I'm afraid that they'll not see me the same way and hate me. How can I tell my parents? :(

Yahoo Answers Gallup Poll: 2011 Biggest Liar of the Year...We have some good candidates?

I am going for the letter D. 787 billion dollars and an unemployment rate of over 9% is about as good as it gets. The other people here did things that did not have an impact on my life. Letter D has and continues to .

Taylor Swift Fan Only Please?

Everyone is saying that her song "Better Then Revenge" is about Joe Jonas and Camilla Belle. But it can't be about them because the song was made in October 2010 and he started dating Ashley Greene is August 2010. So it had to be about them when they were dating.

What happens to recruits that smoke inside the barracks?

Yea keep smoking those cancer sticks buddy the smoke and lighting up will signal the Taliban in the day or night where the hell you are and you will be responsible for killing yourself and your whole platoon! GOD WHY ARE TODAYS SOLDIERS SO STUPID! E VEN MY NCO'S STARTED SMOKING AGAIN AFTER AIT!!!

Would it be less harmful to...?

Alright. I know it’s bad to starve yourself. I know the problems it can cause. I know all of that, so please don’t answer if that’s all you’re going to tell me. I want to know your opinions if you think it would be LESS harmful to take multivitamins and b12 supplements while doing so. Once again, I am aware of how bad starving yourself is. You don’t know my life, so please don’t criticize me on my decision to do so.

Why do the tennis players have to bow in front of Camilla?

How does she deserve this, and the regular crowd don't? For cheating with a married man, and causing grief to Diana?

Pro Diana, anti Camilla invective.?

I totally agree with you. And I don't think that such reflect badly on Diana. It's not like she told people to hate Camilla.

Am I losing it or imagining it?

I have been slowly building muscle in my biceps these last few months. I have upped my protein and overall food intake. Now thist last week, I have not been able to eat a normal amount of food. I got out of the shower today and I looked at my arms and they looked visibly smaller. Now I know that if you do not eat enough, your body digests its muscle. I was how long does it take for a starving body to breakdown muscle and use it for energy? A few days? or like a month?

How does the military expect marriages to work when something happens the couple can't speak to each other?

My husband was sent to the barracks and he hasnt spoken to me in 5 days. I'm so mad about everything. I get madder as time passes and he doesn't speak to me. Do they really expect me to cool down in oreder to let us speak again because that is not going to happen.I'm very mad about everything that has happened. So can they really not let us speak? also there isn't a MPO which is a militarys no contacting order. I'm very confused on how they can sit there and say fix your marriage but dont talk.

Depression 14 Girl..... VERY LONG PLEASE READ THOUGH?

Sweetie! dont kill yourself its a permentent solution too a temperary situation! you should talk to someone ANYONE! ill even email you so you can vent and get advice if you want! just somehow send me a message on here or vote best answers something! You need someone to talk to and im sure i can help you! And dont say you dont have family im sure they love you and its easy too make knew friends there are other people in life that have simailar situation! please be safe<3

Tired of starving and binging, how do I diet the right way? What works?

I've done atkins which KILLS me because I LOVE carbs and sweets and yeah, it's not working. I did it a year ago and lost 20 pounds. I've gained about 12 of that back. Total, I'd like to lose 22 pounds. I need a diet that WORKS and I'd like one that works fast, yet I do know slow and steady wins the race. I can eat healthy, but my problem is sweets. What diets have you done? What results did you get?

How can Charles be head of the church if he married a divorcee?

As the head of the Anglican Church, Queen Elizabeth couldn't attend Charles and Camilla's wedding because Camilla is a divorcee (since Diana died, Charles is considered to be a widower, not a divorcee). How can Charles become head of the church (when he becomes king) if he's married to a divorcee? Are they hoping her ex will have passed away by then, technically making her a widow?

Wouldn't allowing an immigration reform be smart?

So USA in in like a massive debt.Think about the millions of immigrants living here,if the government actually thought out of their racist box,they could offer a reform and charge maybe some 500 or more dollars for it and make immigrants legal.think about how much money they wouldnt make thus helping their debt,both sides win.Americans say immigrants take their jobs away,oh excuse them for taking your place mowing lawns at 100 degrees outside,soooorrrryyyy!they didnt think you enjoyed working your as* off like that even with your masters degree.And Americans say they just send money back to their families in Mexico.What do you think immigrants came here as selfish beings to make money and work hard all for them?they send it to their families who are starving back home,who cant even afford a decent meal,they are rebels who refuse to get ripped off by the government and make better use of their left over white but this foreing exchange student thing has really changed my mind,the government doesnt want immigrants cause they take their jobs or because they are criminals,they hate em cause they are racist,plain and simple,what do you think?

Am I starving myself or becoming Anorexic? or even Period Pains?

Lately ive been sleeping during day awake 2 night and i was asleep and i woke up from a stomachache. I thought i was hungry but i ate the ceasar salad my dad brought me from work and it still hurted. So i thought i had to go to and i did when i noticed i was on my period. Then i went to my room turned the fan on but it was too cold but felt good BUT it made my stomach hurt. Now I'm not eating anymore. Not that i don't want any but i'm full. I just ate the chicken breast and some greens. I still see my plate half full i only ate like 5-4 chicken breasts.. anyways which one is it from above? Please answer Best answer 10 points :)

Why is everyone blaming Barrack Obama for everything.?

Barrack Obama is the nicest man in the world. He is rich but gives most of his money to the poor. He talks nice and dresses nice. He is cool and like to shoot hoops. His little girls are awesome. How come everyone I know hates him. He is only trying to help the country not hurt the country. I like Barrack Obama and I think that the media is to hard on the poor guy. He is my hero and I think he is one of the greatest Americans in the history of America. Do you guys agree or disagree?

A Brit Royal question?

If the uncle of queen Elizabeth couldn't follow as a king due to the fact he had married a divorced woman, how can Charles turn a King once he maried a divorced woman, Camilla. I wonder someone could clear it to me.

He doesn't want me to visit the barracks?

My boyfriend is a Marine and lives in the Barracks, we have been together for 2 months, I have met all of his friends and family but for some reason he won't let me come visit him at the barracks where he lives...I'm just wondering why, he says he doesn't think its a good idea for me to visit him there at all...I know that other marines have their girlfriends visit them on the weekend, so is he so against me going?

This or That- Girl Names?

Evelyn, Arianna, Scarlett, Rose, Destiny, Miranda, Lillian, Cassidy, Penelope, Kacey, Gabriella, Brielle, Jane, Oriana

What's the least amount of calories I can eat without starving myself?

It's super hard for me to lose weight, and I don't know why. Maybe a thyroid problem, idk. But anyway, I'm 15, I'm done growing and I'm 5'1, a couple day ago I weighed myself and the scale said 111, but it seems like anytime I weigh myself I just keep gaining weight, even though I have a 500 calorie deficit a day, so I'm just gonna go with my weight is 111. I really want to lose weight, without having to starve myself, so what's the healthiest and lowest number of calories I should eat a day in order to burn 500 more than I eat?

Why is it so hard to find a job?

no matter how hard I try I cant find a job. I have applied like 30 different places and nothing. I have applied at target budweys wegmens tops subway burger king McDonald's block buster petsmart denneys sears searshardware dariyqueen dashes wilson farms about 3 pizza places about 5 resturants as a dish washer 7/11 another gasstation delta sonic gamestop star bucks kfc arbies wendeys walmart a lot of jobs at the mall and yes this sounds f u c k ing crazy but it is true. the world sucks I cant even find a job as a dishwasher any where. tops called me for a interview and I had graduation and she said they would call back nexted week, but never did this sucks I have a car I have to pay for that I will have to cancle insurance on now f u c k americas s h i tty economy and f u c k god. Im gglad I dont have to help support my family as some kids have to do with a s h i tty job like that because if I did that would probally starve

Feeding/helping children in Africa?

I really want to go to Africa to help out children/adults starving and suffering from aids. What types of organizations could I look onto to get involved with these things?

Friday, July 22, 2011

How many Gazans have starved to death?

None. Food products flow freely between Israel, Gaza and Egypt. Hamas has made certain that food costs, while high, are no higher then in any other 3rd world country....they don't want to lose the support of the people....that makes sense politically and Hamas is an effective political machine. In most countries as badly run as Gaza generally is food costs take up to 80% of a families income. Gazans spend more like 60% of their incomes. The UN keeps track of these kinds of statistics. I suspect that they publish this information from time to time. The last time I researched a similar question food supplies weren't a real problem in of's a big problem..people actually do starve there. Of course many Gazans have no income and are supported in whole or in part by various charities. They receive various food suppies at centers set up by the UN, the Red Cresent and certain muslim charity organizations or directly from Hamas itself. Hamas to it's considerable discredit spends considerable money on military hardware, at least as much as food aid if not more. Exactly where all the money comes from is a real mystery.Eexactly where all the money goes is a bigger mystery.

Around 4 that last hour of the job I am starving and so sleepy. What can I do?

I am trying lose weight so what can I do to keep from devouring everything in site around this hour and how can I stay awake at my desk when I keep drifting off to sleep around this hour?

What causes you to stay hungry?

I've only been doing this the past 3 days. For example: 6pm I eat and get very FULL. one hour later I'm starved to death! I've never done this before. Not even when I was pregnant 2 years ago. Can anyone tell me if I'm okay?

Why were new arrivals at Auschwitz-Birkenau given "wooden dogs"?

It's wooden clogs. I think that's pretty obvious, especially for who spends there time, researching the holocaust.

Need help with my story!?

Hey people am writing a story and its about a world war set in the future, i want to know in my story there invading countrys which include my country uk, the usa, russia, italy and germany, now i am not realy into politics and strategic things so i am unsure about this sort of stuff, so like if i am to invade countrys in my story what citys do i need to gain control of so my story makes sense, cause i dont want people saying well how can they invade that city thats a stupid thing to do or its impossible to attack there without wiped out etc etc if this makes any sense? Does it matter where the seize begins? what cities? army barracks? Thanks for reading

Husband and I Separating, Military?

To try and shorten as much as possible. My husband and I are looking towards divorce. We have a very tumultuous relationship, we fight constantly and barely get along. I kicked him out of the house because I had enough of his BS. He is military (Army) and I am civilian (ex military). We have one child and one on the way in August. He told me JAG told him they were going to cut off his BAH because he was living in the barracks. Does anyone know if this is true? I have a feeling he is fabricating some of the truth because he does not want to be living in a barracks room. It doesn't make sense why they would cut off his BAH just because only HE is living in the barracks. I do not have a job and plus we have a child (soon to be two) together and unfortunately I am also a dependant of his. Can anyone tell me the real deal? My husband is a habitual liar so I cant take his word on anything. We cannot live under the same roof we make each other miserable.

Do we have to bow/curtsey to all people with an important title?

You don't HAVE to bow to anyone its just polite. People were making a fuss because President Obama did not bow to the queen, but no Americans or non brits are required to bow. When you meet a royal you still say "your royal highness". You still say that to Kate because her title is HRH.

Would you rather starve to death or be beheaded for not accepting the mark of the beast?

Revelation says people will not be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast and those who refuse the mark will lose their head.

Did prince harry make a slip up during an interview?

I heard that during the time that prince charles was engaged to camilla, he gave an interview with william and harry, supposedly, harry (thinking that his microphone was off) said something like "the bloody commoner". I could be wrong though. Isn't harry technically a commoner too?

Pregnant...thinking of names? suggestions?

Your names are lovely. I like the names Alexander or Alexandria for a girl! Also I would like Natalie better than Natalia but thats just me, good luck! :) Congratulations.

Fallout new vegas recruiting cass?

I'm doing the 'birds of a feather' quest and I'm at the bit where you go to the mojave outpost and you have to talk to cass. However she appears as an enemy on the radar and she shoots me when I enter the barracks, because the NCR don't like me. Even when I'm wearing NCR patrol armour she shoots me because she's a ranger. Is there any way around this or any other way to recruit cass? I've just got the other 7 companions and now I can't get the achievement.

Who thinks Camilla is Duchess of Cornholio?

Sorry I am unable to answer this question as I am not familiar with the Duchess in question. Could she be a figment of someones imagination?

How can i go vegan i really want to?

Well, meats much more expensive then most other foods. If it's a matter of cost it shouldn't be a problem. Soups are rather good for you and can be pretty inexpensive. Be sure to stock up on plenty of those. Honestly, you'll have to depend on canned or dried foods, not just fresh vegetables. Just a matter of doing research and finding out which canned and dried foods are going to be the healthiest.

Do you like this poem of mine?

Its seems like the poem is talking about confusion of heart break. The persons heart and they immediately blamed their heartbreak on Camilla when it truly wasn't Camilla's fault. It was the fault of the person who fall in love with Camilla when they didn't even know her.

Please I need some feedback on my book this an easy ten points!?

You use commas incorrectly at times, but that sounds like a neat story. Bagfad sounds a bit too much like Badfag, though.

How do I initiate sex with my boyfriend?

He's in the army, so we always go back to his barracks, and we start off by watching TV for like an hour before he gets up and iniates it. I'm a bit on the shy side but would like to surprise him one day by initiating it...I just don't know how without feeling stupid or embarrassed. So, guys, how would you want a girl to initiate sex with you? I mean what would be a good way?

WDYT of my top girl names? (Best answer gets points!)?

You've got some pretty names in there, but most of your combinations sound like you've got one too many names in there. Coralie Madeline Summer seems like an odd combination of names, but it's a pretty combination that flows well. But Estella Juliet Sophia, Camilla Fecility Iris and Matilda Evelyn Violet just seem like a random collection of your favorite names. Some of your combinations would work better if you just dropped one name.

How much weight would you lose if you starve for 3 days ?

I don't think you would lose any weight actualy. Your body would go into survival mode and would store the fat and energy you already had so you wouldn't end up losing any weight. You would just be putting yourself through torture for not eating! It would also make it worse if you were working out!

Can I join the US Military ?

Your German diploma will be entirely acceptable. But if you have an Abitur, you should just go to college in Germany. Unlike college in the States, you will be able to afford it.

Army military police?

Im about to join the army and was wanting to know what the coolest and funnest job there is. I was looking at 31B Military Police and what the day in the life of military police would be like. Can i wear my contact lenses on graduation day? Is there a way I can stationed at where I want? How are the barracks for a mp? Thanks

Since Barrack Obama is obviously a racists, why would anyone vote for him?

Because he is obviously not. This racist thing about President Obama is getting old and tired, as well as having always been baseless and itself founded in racial hatred.

Need to figure this out...?

So Im "chubby"(a little weight to lose) But i starve myself and take laxitives becuase I want to be about 100 pounds. Is this an eating disorder if im not anorexic looking or thin? I have lost some weight.

What would you re-name the kids from "Cheaper by The Dozen"? ?

Ah, the silly remake. Just pointing out that the original Cheaper by the Dozen (as in the book) were real. The children of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth: Their names were Anne, Mary, Ernestine, Martha, Frank Jr., William, Lillian, Frederick, Daniel, John, Robert and Jane. I kind of like the originals, but the remake names and your are not too bad.

Losing 5-10 pounds in one week?

I am a 160 pound 14 year old boy that is 5 foot 6. I want to be around 140 and get there in 2 weeks. Is this possible without starving? And if it is, please tell me the most effective way, and the fastest way of getting this done. Thank you so much

How do i stop crishing on her?

same thing here bro went through this last year, remove her from your contacts, facebook, myspace, and when you do see her in school dont acknowledge her unless she does you

Succession to British Throne?

No, he can be king and he will be in technical terms once the Queen passes it over to him. But, more than likely, he will abdicate and pass it onto Prince William because he is already too old. The reason I say that is, because in the time he would be declared king, they would have to change all the stamps, money, etc. to have his image instead and that would be pretty illogical if he'd only rule for a decade or so. So yeah, more than likely it will be William next.

Baby White's Tree Frog?

I have a very small baby Whites Tree Frog. I'm afraid he is close to death, because I haven't seen him eat at all and he looks extremely skinny, almost starved. I've tried waxworms, mealworms, and crickets that are all small enough for him to eat, but he doesn't seen to eat. I've even tried to hand feed him, but that doesn't work either. We got him mid-April, and I'm not sure how much he's eaten since, but it's enough to barely keep him alive. Any suggestions on what to do? Or do you think he's doomed?

Does the Queen like The of Duchess of Cambridge more than Camilla?

I don't think the Queen would want to make a comparison between the two. They're very different - in age, background, and the circumstances of their relationships with their respective husbands. I'm sure the Queen would view them fairly, each according to their her individual merits and/or less appealing traits. I think she would be concentrated more on 'usefulness', 'appropriateness' 'service' - rather than on subjective 'liking' or 'disliking'. And I'm pretty sure that these women would work at their roles, would behave, and would be of service, equally as well as each other. If she DID have any preference (as a mother and grandmother) NO-ONE would ever know. (Maybe Prince Phillip and a few other close family!)

Liberals/Socialist: Why aren't you claiming Republicans are corporatist anymore?

Is it because Barrack Hussein Obama is the biggest socialist in history and is directly injecting $1 billion dollars+ more a day into the stock market?

Why are the British people so racist?

How come all their royal members are white, its like when barrack was running for president in 2008 they all cheered for the dude but they never get one for themselves

Whats the odds of getting your own room in the army?

During recruits you share with 4+ others in a dorm and get smashed for 3months, not sure about infantry training but dental assisting training share a room with one other, and admin training share a room with 3 others. After you have finished your initial educational training, depends where u get posted on the standard of your room but most places you get your own room.

Do you respect Camilla?

I certainly don't. Why did she sleep with a married man for years. I also have no respect for Charles.

Why is my sister asking but not my parents?

ask your parents there advise that is what they are there for your sister loves you very much and is concerned because what the tv says about not eating

I need help about this:(?

okay SO right now i am in my room literally crying my eyes out. My cousin is calling me fat,ugly,stupid etc.. and he's calling me that EVERYDAY:( i know this doesn't seem to be a big deal but it is to me. I am VERY sensitive and im getting checked out next week for depression because theres a 70% chance that i have it. I have tried every day telling him to please stop it and he doesn't even care. You see, its cause when i was in 4th grade people bullied me ALL the time saying the same thing. But this year was different and no one bullied me at all, and now i am constantly being bullied. I tried starving myself and it didn't work out.I am 5'0 and 103 pounds. I feel horrible and like a big old fat pig. I just dont know what to do :( please help me out

How can i get my dog to gain weight?

Hi, i have an 8 year old boxer mix. She was orginally a goo 45 pounds and very healthy and muscular, then she started rapidly losing weight, she go t down to 19 pounds and we took her to the vet and all her blood work was good, they did x-rays and she looked perfectly healthy and all the vet could come up with is that she has irritable bowel syndrome, so they put her on prednisone, famotidine, and tylan powder. it has been maybe 5 or 6 months and i took her to the vet and she weighed 23 pounds so she gained some weight, but you can still see her ribs and her backbone, she is a happy little girl you cant tell shes sick except she acts like shes starving all the time and she gets fed twice a day. so i didnt know if anyone had any ways i could help her gain weight, please and thankyou

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Said I'm gaining weight!!!?

I was diagnosed with anorexia in march when I was in the hospital for the second time in 2 months, I haven't seen my grandparents since April and I saw them 2day and the first thing they said to me was that I was gaining weight and need to cut down on my food!! I can already see some of my old feelings coming back! I want to starve myself again and I can't stop crying! I managed to Handle gaining a few pounds but since they said that to me I feel like no matter what I do I can't make everyone happy!! What should I do? Also my parents are booking a holiday and are refusing me to go with them unless I gain weight because they don't want me on the beach with them :/

Im 21, Immigrant, liveing with my mom, how do i move out?

came here in the US 2 years ago and attended and graduated high school here in the US, All of my friends from high school are already living on their own. I went to a private school in here so all of my classmates are pretty rich. I had mo choice but to attend the school cause i was very new. The guys i went to school with are very rich and now that im 21 and they are also 21, when i see them on facebook, they alrady live on their own, travel to different places. I feel jealous, How can i do that too? We dont have much money, and I cant get a job cuz of the ecomomy. I really wanna move out cuz my mom drives me angry all the time. When I talk back at her she says " YOU DONT PAY ANYTHING, SO SHUT UP" but most of the time its her fault on why i yell. One time my uncle called and told my mom where going to Starve Rock or something and I asked my mom what is that, and she just yelled at me for no reason at all, SHE YELLED REALLY LOUD, i mean, how am i supposed to react to that? I was asking nicely and she yelled, and when i talked back more she would really get mad more.

Are the British people not fond of Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla?

I'm always reading about how the throne should be passed onto William after the Queen dies, and not to Charles as he is entitled.

This or That Girl Names!!?

Ava, Bridget, Camille, Deanna, Elizabeth, Genevieve, Isla and Izabelle, Juliette, Kimberly, Lucy, Mia and Macy, Noelle, Quinn, Reyna, Scarlett, Tatianna, Victoria, Zoey

I NEED HELP please with a love problem/weight problem too!?

Hello my name is Mario, I am 13, I am overweight with a BMI of 27.5, I realllly like this girl, I asked her out, but she rejected me, obviously because i am fat, in Egypt (my home country) I WAS SOO SKINNY, my metabolism was SOO FAST, i was underweight, until i came to the U.S. i started getting really fat, so yea, back to the girl, shes like my bestfriend, the other day, i went to a feast, and she was txting me, to meet in the parkin lot, she talked to me, and then b4 she left she just ran up to me and hugged me, it felt really good, then i went home, i felt ashamed, I am fat, i was in the shower, thinking, what if i was skinny, and muscular, and i hugged her, wouldnt she like it, and mayb go out wit me, and i looked at myself, felt REALLY ashamed, I really need help, i got rejected so many times because of my fat, I need help, DIETING? LIFTING WEIGHTS? Starving myself? anything, just please please please please help me!! :(, pleas, thank you very much in advance ! :)

What do you think of these names?

some of them sound like 2 last names. My favorite girl's name is Amber Leannah (lee-ah-na) and my favorite boys name is Matthew Lukas

Is this normal in pregnancy?

The cramps are totally normal, most people get them early on. It's your uterus expanding. As for the tummy noises, I can't answer because I'm experiencing them myself and I don't know what they are! Strange. X

Has Camilla forgotten her skirt and why is she wearing Queen Victoria's knickers?

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Will I continue to get full BAH?

My wife and I are currently going through a divorce. Our child was born a few weeks ago, so the process is moving faster. I am an E-4 P. (CPL), and will have joint custody of my daughter. I will be getting her one day during the week, and every other weekend. Will I still receive full BAH considering I am a single father, and of course I won't be allowed to have my daughter in the barracks on my weekends???

Any more tips to lose weight?

Make sure you're eating 1,200 calories a day at least depending on your weight, height, and gender. You should be eating five small meals a day such as a healthy cereal and yogurt for breakfest then a tuna sandwhich for a another and so forth. If you want to progress faster with weight loss then try working out harder for those thirty minutes. Instead of doing dancing go for a jog that keeps your heart rate up, you can google what your heart rate should be at for you to strengthen your heart and lose weight. Drinking water alot also helps, at least 8 cups a day, preferably do it in the morning so you don't have to worry about it. Maintaining this schedule will not only make your body feel better but will drop the pounds.

Do most Brits want Camilla Parker Bowels to be the next Queen of England?

Charles is far too honest and out spoken to be accepted as king of England. The 21st century British are a spineless lot, they cannot stand confrontation and cower in the corners of any argument. Charles as King would give the gutless little creeps a nervous break down. The British are more suited to dictatorship.

Anorexia and counsellor?

I was diagnosed with anorexia in January and carried on losing weight, I put abit of weight on to make my tutor and counsellor happy for when I completed college which was 2 weeks ago, I have lost all the weight I put on by starving myself for 4 days and lost more aswell :/ I have lost 6lbs since I finished college 2 weeks ago, I forgot that I have to see my counsellor 2mo for a catchup to see how I'm doing :/ I don't know what to do! Because if they see ive lost weight they will ring up clinics for inpatient treatment and its guaranteed they will weigh me 2mo aswell :/ what should I do?? Thanks

Overseas Army Barracks?

Do soldiers living overseas, lets say japan, get a lot of women? Like do the Japanese girls like American soldiers? and this question is for anywhere overseas. not just japan.

What exactly is dieting?

What exactly is dieting? Is it when people make themselves starve and not eat any food? What's the opposite of dieting?

Both Are Great Thinkers, Do You Think Will Win The 2012 U.S. Presidential Debate: Jon Huntsman - Barrack Obama?

I don't think Huntsman will be the one debating Obama. Don't know exactly who will but don't think it will be another RINO.

A little bit of breakfast before running tomorrow?

Definitely a good idea to eat something, that starving feeling is your body letting you know that you haven't eaten since dinner, the longest stretch you go without food in the day. Give your body the nutrients so that you can have a good workout. peanut butter and jelly or a protein drink after is good too.

Single soldier living off post paying out of pocket?

I am a E4 single male soldier, because i moved off post now my command is out to get me, they are trying to find anyway to do it as well. To my understanding and from what i have read in the AR there isnt anything that stats i have to sleep in the barracks, i do however have to maintain a barracks room, and that is it. The command is threating me and telling me that i have to move back in the barracks, Is there a specific AR that covers this? ya or nay? trying to fight fire with fire here

♥† Survey : Which celebrity do you agree with?

May 27 , 2011 ... If a man throws a stone at these celebrities.. ...they would react in the following manners : a) Mahatma Gandhi : Would give him another ...♥†- survey-which-celebrity - do - you - agree-with / - Cached

What are some of barrack obama's hobbies?

Quilting? Jewelry making? Puppeteering? napping? hang gliding? Hockey Playing? Rodeo Riding? Playground Playing? Trampoline hopping? Costume Wearing? Bed Wetting? Snorkling? Doll Collecting? Race car driving?...I'm curious!

Will charles become king?

and that pesky horse camilla queen? why is the old queen not giving up and letting someoen else rule? she is such a selfish hag? or does she know that charles is unfit so she is merely postpoing could be a good thing caused who wants to see camilla as a queen..? why didnt she give her husand king tile? story is she could have... i say pass charles and his horse over, and make william king..just a thought..cheers!

Is it illegal for my mother to starve me? Women only please?

Your not overweight, you could loose a few pounds but I defintly wouldn't call you fat. I think it's illegal, I'm not sure but I know that a good mother shouldnt be doing that

In the company of Pres.Obama ?

At the dinner tonight given at Buckinham Palace the Queen was seated on President Obama's left . Was that Camilla in blue on the right? I wasn't near a tv- saw it on the news on iPhone -little bit small. Thanks

Issues with anorexic behaviors, please help!?

Lately, I've been having "anorexic thoughts". All i usually think about is losing weight, starving myself, and how I sort of detest food. I actually have started eating next to nothing, too... I'm very scared, what should I do?? Please help me!!!

Why is Japan the only developed country in Asia (read carefully please)?

Immigrants from almost all Asian countries (including India) seem to do well in America. Why is Japan the only one that is rich? After all, they were the only one to declare war on America, unless you count Vietnam! I know America helped to industrialize Japan along with Germany, Israel and other countries after World War II. But that raises another question: why did America do so much to help countries that were hostile to it? Were the Russians/Soviets really an enemy? Why have we let them starve to this day? Why do we let Africans starve and even their descendants in our own country? If America actually thanked the communists for their help in fighting the Nazis, would the Cubans/Vietnamese have left us alone?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Physical reflection of the human race inward and outward is part of the reason/ cause?

Change the Ph level a little and watch how the refractions cause a different kind of reflection. A little change here and there and the whole refraction of physically extrinsic stimulus and subjecting the individual in such ways that the reflections coordinate with reality different. The problem is finding the right combination of chemicals under which individuals are able to come to a peace that works externally too. And in that we have so many individuals on this planet each making a footprint and each in some way making reality for all of us, getting so many individuals to think the same way so as to concentrate the energies for the better of man etc etc. We have long realized the need for this and beleive me mankind is heading for this sooner or later if he isn't already doing so.

How can I cut my own fringe?! ( pics )?

Cut them dry, because if you cut them wet then they will dry up. Section what part you want to be bangs and then tie back the rest of your hair. Take that section and part it down the middle. Cut one side first and then incorporate the other. Always keep it longer, because you can always go shorter. Make the initial cut straight across and then cut little bits out of the ends with the scissors perpendicular to the floor. This way it will blend better.

Why is my eating like this?

I think the condition is called anorexia. I suggest visiting a doctor because it can sometimes be a serious problem.

Is there any place you can drink on post at Ft. Stewart?

I recently PCSed to Ft Stewart and I'm looking for a place I can grab a beer on post. Does such a place exist here? Hopefully within walking distance from the reception barracks.

I need to get rid of my wife! please help I need her gon ASAP?

My wife is 500 punds rides a scooter never bathes always farts and eats all my food. I have to work 2 jobs to support her and she still eats all the food. I'm starving we buy like 400 dollars worth of groccerys and all I get to eat is one half piece of meat or only one pb and j sandwhich every other day.

Marine Corps and owning a car?

i am in the process of joining right now and am looking to be stationed in Japan. wherever i get stationed is it a good idea to have my truck shipped over, if i get stationed overseas? or do you pretty much walk everywhere like from the barracks to work? i am only 17 and will be 18 about the time i get out of MCT. i was going to ask my recruiter, but idk that's kind of a weird question i guess. thanks.

Is this a good start to a story ?

Seems like a great start. I wouldn't open with such a deep statement though. Maybe try starting with a little more action..."in media res"...and then later introducing the background and bringing up some heavier points.

My budgie is not eating out of food bowl?

You should put the cage right beside the parents cage so it wont be so upset at least it will hear and see the mother and father and they cant get near it because they are in separate cages if you do this the baby will start eating again and will be fine.Hope I helped.

Is it true Prince Charles wears Jim-Jams?

They have big purple duckies on them. The background is yellow. This is for sake of a study in contrasts, like the contrast between banging Camilla after banging Diana.

How can I fight this Article 15?

There was a fight in my barracks and myself and two other soldier broke it up. One of the subjects in the fight the attempted to punch me and I tackled him to the ground. When I let him go he proceeded to punch me three times in the face. I did not strike him once. I am now receiving a Article 15 as a mutual combatant amongst the three because I tackled him. According to my First Sergeant the Army does not have a self defense reasoning and I am subject to the same UCMJ action as the two who were brawling in the barracks. Does anyone have advice on what to do?

What are the Navy barracks like in Pensecola?

I'm a little nervous about boot camp then A-School this coming fall, and was wondering what it's like. What are my limits for my barracks and other things?

How much calories does an anorexic eat in a day?

I'm going to be the one person on here who gives a realistic answer, lol. I think Anorexic people typically consume around 500-1000 Calories a day, if the Anorexic is a calorie counter. Some Anorexics that I've known actually over eat, or simply eat things that have a ton of Carbs but nothing else, like Chips, Soda, that sort of thing. Anorexics tend to think they don't need to workout, because they feel that they don't have anything to burn, because they are already skinny, when the reality is they need to eat more, and excercise more. I know most Anorexics do Mild Cardio when they workout, and occasionally SitUps, but not much else. Some of them run track wildy, it really depends on the person. I believe Calorie wise it also depends on what they choose to eat, and whether they have a high or low metabolism.

I saw a a newsstand rag that Camilla fainted/passed out. What happened?

Camilla swooned and got the vapors because she learned that Her Majesty The Queen bumped her down a few notches on the royal pecking order. Camila, as wife of the heir to the throne, socially ranks after The Queen and ahead of all of the princesses of the blood. In the new pecking order Camilla now socially ranks after The Princess Royal and Princess Alexandra of Kent.

Is there something wrong with me?

Okay, I'll start with I'm a 13 year old girl. In school everyone hates me but it's for no reason. Everyone just talks about me and are mean to me and I try so hard to not let it get to me but it always does. They always say stuff like I have no friends and im ugly and no one will ever like me(even though I have a boyfriend). It just really hurts because I feel like I've done nothing wrong. Then at home my older sister, mom, and dad basically hate. And no I'm not over reacting they actually say that all the time. They just always yell and curse at me and I try to get out of there way and just stay in my room but they just come to my room and yell. My mom has called me a Wh*re, Sl*t, B*tch what ever you can think of. But I'm not any of those and I just take everything to the heart and it hurts alot. And they say stuff like your so fat so I guess I just freaked out about that and started starving myself for days and making myself throwup. I think they know but they dont care. About six months ago I started to cut myself. And yeah I know it's really wrong and it doesn't help but I didn't stop until about three weeks ago. So then I decided maybe it would make me feel better if I told someone. So I told my mom about a week ago. All she said was don't do it again. And I really, really wanted to help myself so I asked her if I could go to therapy and she no. That I couldn't go becaus therapist dont care about people they just want money then she said that we werent going to talk about this again. So now I'm just lost and don't know what to do. I felt proud for actually wanting help then she just said no. People were all "go tell a couseler" but schools over. I have no one I'm really close to eaither... and yeah I have considered killing myself.

Were Camilla's children at the wedding?

From what I've read and seen, I haven't heard of them being at the wedding, but I'm sure they were since Camilla's granddaughter was in the wedding and William is good friends with Tom Parker Bowles. If they were there, where did they sit?

I think I have an eating disorder of some sort?

I've been doing this since probably 5th grade, and im going into 8th grade now. basically i'll be really careful about what I eat, counting calories and over exercising. and then a few days later, I'll go totally overboard and load up on junk food. then i'll feel totally guilty and starve myself. It feels like i've been doing this for so long that it would seem weird not to tighten my abs to avoid having a slight pooch, or weird not to look in the window or mirror everywhere i go, wondering if i look fat. but now I feel like my eating habits are stunting my growth because im not getting the nutrients i need. basically, i don't even know how to start to change my ways because i've been this way for so long.

How do I go about getting BAH as a geographical bachelor?

My husband and I are currently not stationed together. He as at Ft Stewart, GA and I am at Ft Hood, TX. I got an apartment with a friend of mine who's husband still lives in VA but I'm being told by barracks management that Geographical Bachelors that are duel military are not authorized BAH, however I've been researching more and more that it is against regulation, regardless of whether or not the soldiers are stationed together, for a married soldier to live in the barracks. I have been told by many senior officers this as well. I would really appreciate links to places where I can find more information. Also if there is any information on Fort Hood's policy on geographical bachelors, that would be great information too. Any information is appreciated.

Is it strange that I hang out with my ex?

I broke up with my ex boyfriend a few months ago and got with my current girlfriend a week later. I dated the ex for about 6 months but broke it off because I didn't feel being with a guy is who I really am. Anyways, he comes in my work and we talk sometimes, because it is the closest store that is open at night. I went bowling with him once and he and I ate with my girlfriend (which made her break up with me, but we got back together). I got him a huge discount on a $1700 TV and he had to use my car to take it to his barracks, so he filled the tank up because it is a long drive there and back. My girlfriend thinks it is weird that he did that and we hang out and talk so soon after I broke up with him and doesn't want to see me for a while. Is she right? Is it weird I talk and hang out with my ex?

I feel like I'm trapped in someone else's body?

I've been in the Navy almost a year and a half, and I hate it so much to the point I've become depressed I think. I hate going outside my barracks. I went from smoking half a pack to a full pack. No one wants to listen. They all say that I will change my mind or that I haven't had enough time in to form an opinion or that time will fly by. It's not. I feel like I'm trapped in someone else's body. There is no way out. It's not who I am at all. I don't even have the same views as the military. While all my friends are going into their junior year in college, I am sweeping floors. When my friends will be successful businessman, I will be a sophomore. What can I do to hang on for the next 2 1/2 years.

Good Lifting workout and diet to bulk up?

I am a 17 year old boy who is 6 ft 3 in, but only 160 pounds. I am a competitive rower, but I am having trouble keeping up with the guys on my team who are 180-220 pounds. There is a lightweight catergory in rowing, but I am right on the edge, and I don't want to starve myself to stay in it. I want to get big and be less awkward. I was wondering if anyone could give my a lifting plan to get big, and possibly nutritional info to bulk up.

Just EXACTLY why is Prince Charles so disliked?

Because a lot of people are such hypocrites that though they all have divorce and remarriage in their own families....they want to single out Prince Charles and say he is the one person in the country who should be reviled for doing something that nearly all Brits do and accept without a second thought.

How long can somone go to jail for adultery in the military?

this person commited adultery then after he got caugh he was staying in the barracks with a friend when he wasnt supposed to. can he go to jail for this stuff? how long?

How much weight do you think i've lost?

No, i'm not one of those silly people that starves themselves on purpose. Since Friday, i've had a flu type thing. My appetite has gone, and i have had an upset stomach to so nothing's really staying in me. I've force fed myself a bowl of cornflakes, and a curry. They haven't stayed in me. It's the 3rd day now. How much weight do you think i've lost?

How can i become skinny by the end of summer?

i want to become skinny by the end of summer, i want guys to actually look at me, and see me more then "just a friend". i wanna be able to have a new boyfriend! the last one broke up wit me because i am apparently to fat 4 him! I'M NOT THAT FRIGGIN' FAT!! eating healthy, and exercising don't work 4 me! I've tried everything, and i can't starve myself, because i'm a diabetic! so i need help, i wanna loose weight b4 summer ends, i weigh 138 pounds, and i'm only 5'3"!! I WEIGH ONE HUNDRED, THIRTY-EIGHT!! so if u have any input, then please help!! i'm begging u!! PLZ HELP ME!!

Can you answer this please? Ten easy points!?

No math here, but what you have to do is find the common factor that assigns the people to one group or another. Color of hair? They all wore hats to the wedding? First-born children? Of the royal blood? Beats me....I'm not too good at this current culture stuff.

What diet would doctors put a person who was starved for two weeks?

Guy was held captive by an organization and then they abandoned the place where they were holding him and he wasn't found for two weeks. He did have a sink with running water so he did stay hydrated.

How to loose belly weight fast?

Im 16, and im not fat. My stomach is just sort of chubby and gaining some weight. My inner thighs as well. Its making me really depressed, and it makes me eat really healthy. Which isn't bad. But, i miss being able to eat whatever and not gain weight. I switched to diet pop, im starting to eat more fruits and veggies. I barely eat any sweets. I havent had fast food in over a month. I miss that. Is there any ideas or ways I can loose belly fat fast and what all do i have to do? Like I still have some curves in a way. Like my stomach isn't flabby its just gotten like almost wider and when i wear a bra you can see like flab right under it like thats never happened before. And when i look at my body from the side you see like 2 or 3 rolls..that has NEVER happened before. I dont play sports anymore so maybe thats why? I dont know. I need some advice, this is all i think about lately. I HATE MY BODY. :( (also any good food suggestions for like breakfast,lunch,dinner,snacks,ect) i dont want to starve myself and i dont want this to be all that i think about! please help me :(

Brits, are you surprised camilla is a homewrecker, considering her great great grandmother was too?

JUST BECAUSE Alice Keppel was a mistress didn't doom Camilla to the same fate.....SHE CHOSE to mess with a married man.

Can Herman Cain win in 2012 because he's black?

If the GOP nominates Herman Cain, do you think he can possibly beat Barrack Obama because he's black? I mean, Obama got mostly all of the black vote last time, and I know blacks generally vote democratic, but given the option of 2 black candidates, do you think Herman Cain can get some of the black vote and win the election in 2012? Also whenever he criticizes Barack Obama, there will need to be some explanation of Obama's policies and not just a cop-out "oh the GOP is racist."

Early pregnancy of AF just late?

I think you're period is just late. The only symptom I had was sore nipples with white dots in them. I think our bodies make us believe we are pregnant when we're really not but if you wanna put your mind at ease, take a test. It should definitely tell you by now.

2pac vs Michael Jackson, who's more talented?

I see where your coming from with the 2pac thing, but your question was "who is more talented?" Of course Michael would get it. And it is not just my opinion. It is fact. Proof? Compare Michael and 2pac, everything they have done in entertainment, and see who has the most points. I know Michael has been around longer, but if 2pac rose when Michael did, the results would still be the same.

Which name do you like best?!?

Anya, it's verrrry pretty :3 camilla and Gabriella are fine, but Meela is weird, don't even go there.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Air force,Navy or Coast Guard?

I would like to know everything possible about each. Such as were you work (boat, barracks or anywhere) What do you do, Money, Training for it, requirements Anything you can tell me would be amazing! Thanks! Which should I go in. I am a girl but would rather have guys than a bunch of girls (if possible)

My dog is suddenly attacking the other dogs for food?

My jack russll has always been sweet and playful he has never been aggressive except to people that present a threat. however lately he has been attacking my chipoodle and Chihuahua over food they have eaten with each other since they were puppies so I’m trying to understand his new found aggression over food. he was fixed about three years ago I don’t know if that’s a factor since all the dogs have been fixed. they eat regularly so i know that he’s not doing it because he’s starving now I have to separate them he is becoming a danger to the other dogs but he has never attacked the people he knows that get near him

Is this a good weight?

I am male and 5'7" and 18 year old and currently weigh 123lbs, is this an ok weight? I have lost alot of weight over the last few months due to starving myself, is this weight ok? Should I lose more and if I should how much should I lose?? Thanks

What happens after Navy Boot Camp Graduation?

So I understand there's "liberty weekend" What goes on during liberty weekend? I have to be in the barracks by a certain time, I understand that. So immediately after graduation, that's when I begin my duties as a sailor? When can I go home to visit my family?

When Kathy Freeman competed for Australia, did you barrack for her to win or lose?

I hoped she would lose every race she competed in. There are several other Australian athletes who I also treat the same way..... Danny Greene, Tony Mundine. Jana Pittman, for instance.

Worried for counselling 2mo :/?

I am 5'7" and 18 male and weigh 123lbs, I have lost 6lbs since I last saw my counsellor and really worried because I was told if I lost anymore weight I will be put into an inpatient private clinic to deal with emotional and physical issues that I apparently have! I have starved myself to get to this weight because I was sick of people saying that I was overweight and I was bullied in high school, in December I weighed 160lbs. I was admitted into hospital for dehydration and then again for Chest pains and fainting :/ what should I do?

Which sentence is written proper?

A. Camilla played a lovely little song and then proudly showed off her new ocarina. Which some people call a sweet potato. B. Camilla played a lovely little song and then proudly showed off her new ocarina which some people call a sweet potato. C. Camilla played a lovely little song and then proudly showed off her new ocarina, which some people call a sweet potato.

Is my wife controlling?

Since it is important to your wife that you eat what she cooks and you are basically ignoring her simple request, you are being insensitive. At the same time she is being controlling and overreacting to the situation. Is there some other issue(s) in this equation that you are missing? She could be projecting other problems onto the meal which might explain the severe reaction. But in the end you are both wrong and need to communicate better and consider each others feelings more.

Do nations with greater power have a greater responsibility to act ethically?

Help you with what? America snubs world leaders all of the time and is even known a habit of trying to assasinate some of them. Barck Obama, in keeping most of Bush's foreign policies plus starting an extra war just to incite more hatred for Americans, has done very little to repair the national image of a horde of fat, dumb, drugged out barbarian terrorists.


i hve heard dat rob pattinson was dating camilla nw when he iz in a rumored relationship wid kristen..who do u think is better in looks???

Are some of our famous people blind?

You had Clinton using Monica as a humidor and getting a "stain" on her dress (although she was better looking than Hillary, but not by much), then you had Prince Charles dumping Diana for Camilla (talk about horse face), and now the Governator nailing his housekeeper? Have you seen her? OMG!! Are these people really that hard up that they go after that?

Why do people dislike Camilla?

in the 70's she chased after Charles until his mother stepped in then after he married Diana she slept with him, cheating on both her husband and Diana and flaunted it. The woman is nothing more than a common tramp

How can I slim down without gaining muscle?

I'm about 6.1-2.5, I weigh about 200-215 pounds, I want to slim down significantly without starving myself or gaining muscle. What kind of diet should I pursue or work outs can I do to achieve this?

Lgbt, can you help me?

You have to first find out? does she have somebody? if she's not gay, then, you need to move on.. i know its hard because you see her, and you fall all over again, but if she isn't gay then you have to just remind yourself you CANT have her.. :/ really sad to hear that, but its true! :p

Can someone answer my question about my cat?

my cat went missing for about a week. when it came back it was completely starved. some of its claws were ripped out but have been cleaning them and their healed. hes been eating alot but hes not back to his normal weight. his stomach has been making gurgling noises. and i want to know if this is because he was starved and will it go away?

What paperwork do I need to get my military ID?

I think they will require birth certificates but they will tell you when you get there.. Why have you waited over 2 years to get this done???? SS Card and marriage license is good, but again I do believe you'll need the birth certs. .You can go on line and order them if you are not near the records place they were born.

Which names do you like best?

My favorite is Marley Samantha. I do prefer it spelled Marlee, but Marley's cute too. I don't think there will be another Marley in her class.

If I skip meals then eat something healthy will I gain weight?

I know most people say if you starve and then return back to your regular diet you will gain all that you lost back, which I believe to be is true. I was wondering is it the same if you skip like breakfast ate some fruit then skipped dinner and then then next day have a 1000 calorie diet back then maybe skip the next day. I think i might lose weight if I keep it up. I just wanted to know from people who have done that. I only want to hear it from people that are pro weight loss. Maybe even anorexics, I'm not anorexic but I am desperately trying to lose weight even if the weight loss is temporary.

Baby Girl Names: My favorite Sib Set?

The names that I like on your list are stella, evangeline, and lola. I think my favorite out of the three is lola.

Is Charles even interested in being King?

I thought I read somewhere that Charles either wasn't interested or wasn't able to become King (I think because of Camilla) and that William would be the next in line...Is any of that true?

Anorexia and counsellor ?

I was diagnosed with anorexia in January and carried on losing weight, I put abit of weight on to make my tutor and counsellor happy for when I completed college which was 2 weeks ago, I have lost all the weight I put on by starving myself for 4 days and lost more aswell :/ I have lost 6lbs since I finished college 2 weeks ago, I forgot that I have to see my counsellor 2mo for a catchup to see how I'm doing :/ I don't know what to do! Because if they see ive lost weight they will ring up clinics for inpatient treatment and its guaranteed they will weigh me 2mo aswell :/ what should I do?? Thanks

Anyone know a way to loose weight the fastest possible?

I need to loose weight. I'm a teen measuring 5'3 and weighing 130lbs. i consider myself over weight. I have dance here and there , tennis practice too. and i don't seem to loose anything. i tried starving myself, but that was heard. I lost about 10 lbs. and the second i tried eating again, i gained it back immediately. So any natrual laxatives? any fruits? cereals. im really not in the mood of having diet plans as answers. With all honesty , im not going to follow them anyways. But any other answers appreciated. Thankss

Do you remember the 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombings? Your memories?

I am old enough to remember it and it was a tragedy. In terms of remembering it, it is often ignored and it is a shame. I think that when this happened the US was embarrassed that one of its military duty stations could be attacked so easily. After this happened, security was ramped up at bases around the world. Also, Reagan quickly pulled the rest of US forces out of the area.


Im not gonna lie I see a lot of friends doing that, have been in for 4 yrs and i am starting to consider it... living in the barracks suck ***!

Is scratching considered self harm?

When I feel really low I starve myself ( was diagnosed with anorexia a few Months ago) and I have started to scratch my wrists and arms, is this considered self harm? I scratch with my fingers and leave marks, thanks :)

Would I be eligible for food stamps?

I'm an E2 in the Navy. I make $850 every two weeks. I pay my bills and gas to go to work and back. It's a 30 minute drive to work. I live in the barracks. I can afford to buy myself something not too expensive once every two weeks, and then I'm eating ramen noodles. Would I be eligible for food stamps. I would really like to start eating healthy and healthy costs money.

Empires and allies is not leting me build anything?

when i put my mouse over the build thing on the bottom right side of the screen i click the little hat and nothing happens, i can still build troops because i still have barracks.when ever i click somewhere on the screen my little bulldozes goes there. plase tell me how so i can build things in empires and allies in facebook

Single Sgt in the USMC trying to get BAH Own Right?

You should have enough rank SGT to get a place of your own and you should already have BAH-diff (child support payment) so why are you still in the barracks??? the marine standard is different?

Why did Princess Di have more b alls then Prince Charles?

from what i can see the queen didn't like princess Di and Charles started to not like her too b/c she out did him in the "everyone loves me department." Was Charles jealous and preferred Camilla b/c she's inferior to him in looks and popularity? Why couldn't he do as much as she did to help the people--what else are the royals there for!? A head piece?

How to loose 15-20 pounds in two and a half months?

Im 14 and I weigh 130lbs, I'm not obese just a little chubby and I would like to get in shape before the summer ends. I'm not interested in starving myself or using any diet pill type thing. I just want your opinions on what I should do?

I think I have an eating disorder, and I think its affecting my growth?

I've been doing this since probably 5th grade, and im going into 8th grade now. basically i'll be really careful about what I eat, counting calories and over exercising. and then a few days later, I'll go totally overboard and load up on junk food. then i'll feel totally guilty and starve myself. It feels like i've been doing this for so long that it would seem weird not to tighten my abs to avoid having a slight pooch, or weird not to look in the window or mirror everywhere i go, wondering if i look fat. but now I feel like my eating habits are stunting my growth because im not getting the nutrients i need. Help me please??!

What is my team leader allowed to do in a room inspection?

Hi, Im just a private living in the barracks at Ft.campbell. My team leader (E4 spec) Is currently doing room inspections every day calling all of them a "health and welfare" inspection. He is going through all of my drawers and closets pointing out the smallest of details in a near perfect room. What I am woundering is if he is allowed as a specialest to go through all of my drawers, and conduct health and welfare inspections. If he is, is he limited to anything?? He is directly in charge of me taking over the spot of a E6. And if he is allowed to do these things, is an E3 also allowed the same privligages?

Parents aren't supportive :/ ?

I was diagnosed with anorexia in march when I was in the hospital for the second time in 2 months, I haven't seen my grandparents since April and I saw them 2day and the first thing they said to me was that I was gaining weight and need to cut down on my food!! I can already see some of my old feelings coming back! I want to starve myself again and I can't stop crying! I managed to Handle gaining a few pounds but since they said that to me I feel like no matter what I do I can't make everyone happy!! What should I do? Also my parents are booking a holiday and they have said that I can't go unless I gain weight, I have had a very rough year!

This or that - girl names?

idk, 3 sounds nice... never met an actual person with those names... but don't name her Catherine... all the Catherines i know are weird people, and with that weird anime game coming out later this year, i wouldn't suggest naming anyone Catherine right now.. :/

Monday, July 18, 2011

Do you think the rumors of unhappiness in the Charles/Camilla marriage are true?

"Permission to come aboard S.S Ms Miniver" ? What's it to do with you,one of your ex-presidents was a " lush "Bush,so why can't we Brits have a "lush" or three,George VI and his wife were well known for a liking of the "other ",George V his father Edward VII,his mother ,Victoria,loved Whisky and Port mixed,shall we go into the Regency period ? No I think we shall leave that for another time@ Edit A truely good observation Arctic,sorry but I did'nt watch it as closely as you did,but I will look out for your observations,still don't like her though !, Nice one son .

Can some people please suggest some good spanish songs?

I know it's weird for me to want spanish songs but i love some of them that have the slow beat and some fast also like cada manana from reik, sirena and en tra mi vida by sin bandera, abrazame and coleccionista de canciones by camilla. so can some people please post and help

Baby Girl Names: My favorite Sib Set?

The names that I like on your list are stella, evangeline, and lola. I think my favorite out of the three is lola.

Military/Virginia Divorce Advice NEEDED?

My opinion is that you should go to see a lawyer anyway. Most of the times, when a person goes to a lawyer, the first thing they say is "I don't have much money". Lawyers hear this every day. They work with that. They will make arrangements for you to pay them AFTER everything is all settled. It might surprise you as to what it costs. A lot of times it's much cheaper than you think. The lawyer will look for everything he can to get you what you deserve. Just go to a lawyer ans ask. Most of them never charge for a consultation so it won't cost you to ask. I hope things work out for you.

Stressed, sick of parents, my mood is just bla. please help.?

so today i got a test back and i did really bad. it got me really down because i thought i did well, but apparently not. to make things worse, when my dad picked me up he was in a bad mood and took it out on me, he spazzed at everything. when my bag accidently hit his mobile he through a fit. he got pissed off when a girl crossed the road at the wrong time. he called me stupid - maybe as a joke but i don't care, he doesn't realise that it bloody pisses the hell out of me. when we got home he got in a better mood and tried joking around with me but i'm just so angry today that i just ignore him but in my mind im swearing at him and telling him to go die. i have exams this week and i need to focus and study but i can't when my mind is just so BLA. i'm having one of those days where i feel low and can't be bothered doing anything, but i NEED to study. i just feel like staying distant from my family because of the negativity they bring in my life at times. i feel like making myself throw up (haven't done it before but always think about it), i feel like starving myself (haven't done it before, but i also think about it), and i feel like cutting - which i do do. i'm trying to stop myself but i'm afraid if one more thing annoys me i'm going to do it. i can just stay in my room and distance myself from them for the day but that's not going to get rid of the lowness i feel. and how i feel like i'm going to fail at some subjects because clearly i'm not doing well. it's all just overwhelming, i'm in my last year of high school and i'm so stressed because of exams and not knowing what to study in university. i just feel ****, help me.

Is this true life follows pattern?

okay this has always amazed me,when i was kid i use to read comics,and i never got any problem in reading words in mind understanding the acts and the characters in one go,it was a fun for me,as if i am only a listener and some skilled reader is reading the words in my mind(i still remember that its true)my sister.however find it difficult,and she didn't enjoy reading comics as i do,i usually got frustrated in understanding her such behavior,and use to thought she was boring,after few years when i reached high school i lost interest in comics and became involved in human relations,girlfriend,lover and all make ups and break ups these all where serious stuffs for me,although my parents use to tell that this all is just behavior of a teen ager,although i don't use to believe and use to think this is practiced by all,when i became young i started reading Kafka Dostoevsky and all and learned about human mental jail and rest,now i use to think this love all is just an illusion and i don't have any interest in it now(a teen ager might not agree this)is this true that life follows strict pattern every thing is pre written,and we are just moving in different barracks of prison at different point of time,i wonder when i see my parents don't give any strange response when i ask these things to them,just because they are convinced that yes it is due to their life experience.

Was the Gop presidential nominees a joke last night?

All they offered as usual was a bashing of our Commander in Chief,President Barrack Hussein Obama. No solutions,just bashing and a crazy pre-mature prediction by Bachmann.

Why don't some of our designers take these two young women in hand and help them?

I don't think they should worry too much; after all, they got to ride in a horse drawn carriage for nothing, got entrance to the Queen's box for nothing, and I suspect didn't even have to take their purses with them as I'm sure the cream soda and pork scratchings were also free.

How to loose weight without my parents knowing?

Okay so I am 13, 5'1 and 95 pounds. The past year has been horrible for me. I went through depression, I'm still recovering. My parents have no clue, they barely know me. If it werent for my best friend i probably wouldnt be alive right now. I'm super self conscious and I hate myself. This summer I decided to loose 10 pounds or so. I'm not stupid, I'm not going to starve myself. I'd loose it through healthy eating and excercise(sp) I've done my research. Well I had a piece of paper with goals for myself for the summer, like get softer skim, get a clear complexion, etc.. Well I also had wrote loose 10 pounds, but no details or anything. I put the paper in my pillowcase. Well for some reason my mom decided to change my pillowcase. She found the paper. She told me I'm perfectly fine. IM NOT. It's just making me more depressed thinking how am I supposed to get healthy and a nice body now.. How can I still loose the weight without her noticing?

I don't have an eating disorder.. right?

I'm hoping this isn't an eating disorder.. I mean.. I'm overweight but of course.. eating disorders can effect anyone at anytime.. I'm 13. I'm 5ft 7.. I weigh 175. A lot. I know. I feel so damn fat. My friend obviously don't see what I do.. I see a huge fat *** every time I look in the mirror.. & that's what I do half the time. Stare at myself in the mirror thinking I'm so damn fat & that I'm not and never will be good enough for anyone. or anything. I've been dealing with Major Depressive Disorder for 8 months now.. but idk if my depression has any part in this or not.. but anyways, I've started to obsessively count calories.. some days I'll eat maybe 800.. then 200 the next or binge the next day.. it's weird.. but when I binge, I feel terrible.. If I binge, I will starve myself (How many days? It depends how much I binge) I haven't weighed myself recently so Idk if 175 is still my current weight.. but I think my worries about my weight are becoming a problem.. Is this an eating disorder of any kind..?

Why do conservatives support drug testing for those receiving welfare?

I understand your argument, and you do have a very good point. I'm a moderate. The only reason I could think of as to why conservatives would want to drug test welfare recipients is because conservatives don't want druggies taking tax dollars just to get high again. Also, maybe if it is shown that a large number of people on welfare are drug-takers, it could be detrimental to the public image of Democrats and left-wingers (or the political groups that support more welfare). Furthermore, drugs breed crime. The government might be paying for crime to occur.

Fallout new vegas companion help!!!?

so when i try to recruit cass i go into the barracks and she starts shooting me for no reason when all the other ncr troopers are just watching. WHy is she shooting and how can i fix it

HUNGER GAMES MOVIES........................…

The only two I've ever seen act are Abigail Breslin and Camilla Belle, but I think Abigail would have been a fantastic choice. She's a talented actress.

Who is Camilla Belle?

She is an actress, and a rather poor actress at that. She is somewhat a celebrity mostly known for her relationship with Joe Jonas of the Jonas Brothers and movies like 10,000 BC,Push and When a Stranger Calls. I understand if you don't know her because she only has her beauty that keeps her career alive. Angelina Jolie is a more experienced actress and more well known, Ms.Belle is not even up to her level yet.

How do i connect xbox live to the american warrior network?

I have a barracks room in fort campbell and I know there's a way but the wifi I was using in the building went away. I don't need to pay for a service (as in having people come in and set up a connection, I'll pay a fee if I have to) when I'm moving in less than a month but I miss my netflix. Can anyone help?

Which name is better for a fish :)?

Call him all of the names and see which one he comes too. Oh wait, he is a fish. He doesn't care what you call him or know the difference.

If you live offbase military housing, is your command subject to inspect your house without permission?

My house was inspected by my lpo, no forwarning or anything, and i do not live on base in barracks due to my child and husband.

A place to work on your car if you live in the barracks?

What Gre R said. Here at Fort Huachuca, we have a facility that belongs to the Morale, Welfare and Recreation office (MWR) with inside bays and a tool room. Check with your local MWR once you settle into a unit.

What do you think of this poem by Rudyard Kipling?

I also suspect that this is not scribed by Kipling but I find it reads well and is funny and much better than modern stuff.

Is my grandma a bad grandma?

A few years ago, my brother was fat and my grandma didn't like that so she offered him an iPod (she's pretty rich) if he lost some weight, which he did. After that, about a year later, she told him again that he was still fat, and so all he ate for 3 months was cereal and green beans. Literally. Then my mom told her that he was starving himself, and she said that she didn't say anything on purpose. My brother lost about 40 lbs or more in 3 months, and after that he went emo. He's not emo anymore but he never participates in any family things. My grandma did this to my uncle, too when he was a kid. She really loves me though and pretty much spoiled me rotten as a kid, and still does a little bit. My grandpa gave me like 100 dollars when I was about 10.

Military not doing anything!!?? HELP?

ok long story husbamd got stationed in alaska travel set everything up said everything was taken care of they bought my ticket here and now that we r here they have no housing, no lodging, and owe us 3 grand in back bah, thing is we checked his les and it says single still!! so we r screwed and have no clue what to do! we spent our last money on a hotel for me for 2 nights and he can only stay 1 night becuse he only has enough money left for a cab ride to base. someone told me to try to call the red cross but they dont help with things like this do they? his dad who is in the air force told us to go to finances and tell them to cut him a check for his back pay but will they do that!? we have no idea what to do an im basocally homeless, he can stay in the barracks I cant so we have no clue what to do. I thought about going home but we dont even have the money for that! what can we do

Why do people take royalty seriously in this day and age?

Some of the posters on this site need to get a life. Thinking that royalty has any relevant purpose in the modern age is preposterous. Thank goodness for modern media which has helped show that royals are nothing more than tabloid soap opera characters that can claim a pedigree. As a Brit (now living overseas), I am appalled to see the British head of state wearing gargantuan jewels that are the spoils from raping the resources of former colonies (just look at what Elizabeth was wearing at the state dinner for the Obamas). I'm also terribly embarrassed that Elizabeth's family (the so-called royal family) is supposed to be representative of the British people. They are a disgraceful dysfunctional lot of spoiled inbred brats who live off the taxpayers. And don't try to defend them by saying they earn their keep by cutting a few ribbons and shaking a few hands at the local hospital. Hogwash. Let's hope it all ends with QE2 so that the UK can be seen by the rest of the world for its true greatness that is not overshadowed by the likes of Charles and Camilla serving as representatives for the country on the world stage.

Is scratching considered self harm?

When I feel really low I starve myself ( was diagnosed with anorexia a few Months ago) and I have started to scratch my wrists and arms, is this considered self harm? I scratch with my fingers and leave marks, thanks :)

How can I ACTUALLY lose weight?

Google ski team diet you lose 10 pounds a week I used it and It work but you need comitment no junk food at all try swimming you'll lose 5+ pounds with sky team diet making it a total of 30 pounds in two weeks

Written in the Stars- Tinie Tempah?

In the song at the beginning they say "Young gun fully black Barrack". What does that mean? i'm not trying to be racist I was just wondering? Is it not suppose to make sense? Haha, thanks :))

Does anyone care about..?

A selfish as it sounds and thumbs down are welcomed.. Nope i dont carebout that because its not my fault nor tescos that their governoment are starving them... Shouldnt be our problem to worry bout even if we did send the left overs the time tey get over to that country they get bombarded by desperate people who harge at the delivery carts and steal everything..waste of time thinking about it and waste of time throwing them money... What are they going to do with �1000, 000 ?

What's the most famous italian singer in the uk?

Hi everyone, my name is Camilla and i live in the northern Italy. I'd like to know what's the best known italian singer in the UK. Truly i'd like to know what do you think of Italy generally, i mean what do you think about italian policy, food and also music. I will accept all opinions equally, do like I'm not Italian. I'm 15 and i want to know how my country looks abroad,I know that probably there will be many negative comments about Silvio Berlusconi, but I can't help it if half of Italy voted in a freak. Thanks for reponses and sorry for my bad English.

BN: Which middle name do you like best?

Out of your list I only like Scarlett Lucille. I like it because it flows good and i don't strongly dislike the name lucille, The rest are all the same to me so I'm not going to rate them. There just kind of old sounding to me. I do love the name Scarlett though. I picked that name too.

Help how do I lose weight in my thighs...HELP!!!! PLEASE 5 stars!!!?

Ok, Im 13 and my upper body has always been really slim and normal. But my legs are really more chunkier and muscular. Ugh, I hate myself for doing this, but I eat WAYYY TO much! Like I usually have like 3 a 4th when I eat food! It all goes to my thighs :(:( I dont wanna try any diet things cuz thats just to much to handle when Im to young! And Im not starving myself!! And Ive exsepted that this is me, but I still want to slim my thighs down! I have some celulite,....AHHh!!! :O and my legs have these weird like, indents in them,, IDk!! So Im not over weight, Im 108 pounds, but I really want a work out that will target my thigh area and help slim them down, a good work out! I swim year round too, but thats more of a abb and upper body sport!!! Anyways, Please I need a good thigh burning work out, besides running because I hate Running, but I jog every other day!!! I feel like me eating so much really affects my swimming performans and I hate it! Oh and also what are some ways I can keep myself from eating so much! Ive tried just saying "I WILL NOT EAT THIS" but It doesnt work! And Ive tried chewing gum and stuff, but it doesnt work either! And alot of the times even when I know Im stuffed I keep eating!!! HELP!!!

Can Prince Charles and Camilla have influence on whether Catherine will be Queen consort when the time comes?

Prince Charles, who is next in line to succession to the throne, will have the authority to make the decisions concerning the royalty succession. His wife, Camilla, would be a mere queen consort, just like Prince Phillip, Queen Elizabeth's husband, is now just a figurehead with no royal influence at Buckingham Palace. He has other official duties. Camilla would have no authority to say that Princess Kate could not be a queen consort when Prince Charles takes the throne. He would make that decision, and I see no reason why he would want to prevent Kate from being queen when the time comes, and Prince William becomes King. At least that's my understanding.

Prom tomorrow, I NEED MAKEUP IDEAS?!?

well the dress is really pretty and a light blue would look really nice if blended and shadowed right. and yes hair would look good down.

How can I slim down without gaining muscle?

I'm about 6.1-2.5, I weigh about 200-215 pounds, I want to slim down significantly without starving myself or gaining muscle. What kind of diet should I pursue or work outs can I do to achieve this?

Can A SPC smoke A PFC?

Probably not , I imagine it would take a hotter flame than a Bic lighter to get him lit . And the smell, lawd have mercy , the smell of burning flesh is horrendous.

Derby Winners are losers!?

Your looking at it all wrong! These horses are not like little ponies you keep in your back yard that eat your grass and gallop around all day! these are Performance bred horses! you can take out the high energy feed but ur still gonna have a high energy horse there bred for this they would not be happy any where elts but at the track. i should no i own several and they are not happy in a small pasture they want to be out running on the track that's there job. You want to put a high energy stud horse out in a pasture to gallop? Why would you do this? The horse would be frantic and running every where trying to get out they are a handful. they get exercised every morning and they love it. If you ever had the opportunity to ride or own one you would understand what its like. Its not cruel its life at the track and its a great one. And if you let them have a day off there whole schedule would be messed up. These horses are on a routine and must stay on one.

Comic-con 2011?????????????

Is Joss Whedon going to comic-con 2011???? Also Jhonen Vasquez, or Camilla Derrico? I saw her last year but didn't know who she was. Also Joss Whedon walked right by me and I didn't notice TT.TT also, what about James Marsters? I got his autograph but forgot it at the hotel..... I know, total fail. But I wanted to redeem myself this year. Are any of these people going? thanks in advance

Military: Marines Question?

The GI bill (post WWII bill passed by congress) helps pay for college after service ( unless you go AWOL) it can be given to kids and other family. I also believe they'll pay while your in and then u get the GI bill but I'm not sure. And from what I know from the army life you get some help with off base housing (based on rank)

If your in the military can you get arrested for adultery and staying in the barracks wen ur not supposed to?

i have a friend who commited adultery on his wife and he is in the military then after that happened he was stayin in his friends room in the barrracks and i know he wasnt supposed to. this all happened in one week. can he get arrested for this immediately? he is currently being interrogated by the MPO and as been for about 4 hours.

I was treated like crap by my sorority, is there any way I can get justice?

Yes. You should. Get your daily newspaper to write a story about your experience, THAT Sorority, and the way you were treated. Expose Them....and warn the others from joining.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Barrack Obama's Accomplishments as President?

I require a list of major accomplishments/policys that Obama has been able to put into effect on the war in the middle east and direct help of the common man (healthcare,stimulus, tax breaks, education, est...) Thank you all in advance.

Question about checking into a C school command?

I need some advice preferable from someone in the Navy.. i have orders to class up for my C school on June 6th which is next monday.. yet im checked in the barracks.. tomorrow is tuesday the 31st.. i dunno where to report to tomorrow.. shoulda i go into my C school or should i go see PSD and let them know im here... any help would be great.

What is the metre of this quote?

No it is not an iambic pentameter. It has a loose anapest meter, which gives it a strange lilting sound.

Don't you think an economic system, in which people starve because there is too much food, is ridiculous?

That's capitalism. We don't have economic crises because we are not producing enough, we have economic crises because we are producing too much.

Help reading an Army ERB, unit code?

It says clearly 25th infantry Div. Brigade Replacement. Your like in baseball the "the player to be named later." You have no spot for yet.

Why don't I ever have an appetite?

Hey honey, the same thing is happening to me as we speak! However, the only difference is I used to have an eating disorder. It doesn't sound like you do, you're just not hungry. That's the way I am now and I can't explain it either! It sucks. Are you stressed or nervous for something? Anxious or whatever? Or maybe depressed? I'm not any of those and I still have it. I wonder what the real cause of it is! I hope you get better though. Try like a smoothie or something!

Do you think the Queen respects Camilla or just tolerates her for appearances?

Her majesty seemed to look every where but at Camilla when she entered the church at the wedding do you think she was just trying to be polite or not?

Comment on these? short!?

I don't like any of them except Gianna, and I don't like the pronounciation you chose. So, none of them are good, basically. IMO

Army Barracks 2011 for Single Soldiers?

a href=";_ylt=AmTWYTAwBHu_wN1UH7y2D2aqDH1G;_ylv=3?qid=20110619032136AAbX5T8";…/a

Which would you prefer?

I would choose the most beautiful names from your list (In my opinion) > Olivia & Patrick >

Am I going through a growth spurt?

Yes, you are going through a growth spurt. Everybody does during adolescence, and the amount you grow and the rate at which you grow has little to do with what you eat. Most girls get as tall as they're going to get by the time they get to be 18 years old, give or take a year or two. Now, the fact that you're feeling sick also has little to do with your growth spurt. Perhaps it's your first period developing, or perhaps you've got indigestion from eating too many different kinds of food at once, or perhaps some of the food you ate had food poisoning. At all events, see your doctor right away. If your bloat, warmth, and heart rate are due to nothing more than your menstrual cycle developing, it's better to be sure than sorry later.

Who must curtsey to whom?

Frankly, in the palaces, who cares? One important thing is, we do NOT have to bow or curtsy, as British citizens. We are NOT subjects! We are polite if we meet them. It is 2011.

Taylor Swift - Better than revenge?

it's about Camilla Belle because she stole Joe Jonas, she went to a prep school, she wears vintage dresses, Joe wrote Much Better about Camilla and Taylor (hence the part where Taylor sings "see you deserve some applause, cause you're so much better), she's an actress, the part "she's better known for the things that she does on the mattress, woah" Camilla is known as a whore. And " I think her ever present frown is a little troubling" Camilla usually is frowning.

Isn't it nice that Princess Camilla, Pippa Middleton and Lord Lucan spare their valuable time to post on here?

You forgot Prince Philip, another impostor who frequents this form. Edit. Lili you seem to have forgotten that the real Lord Lucan was declared dead in 1999.

Flat stomache needed?

Do things to satifsy yourself first, don't concern yourself about what others may think of your body image, thats exactly what the media and corporations want to profit off you. If you are going to get a flat stomach, do it because you enjoy working out and being fit and healthy, nothing more and nothing less. If your goal is just to impress "guys" or other people, you will always come up short, because our society creates a ridiculous image of what our bodies should look like to be beautiful. Just get into the gym, enjoy working out anyway you can, and the rest will fall into place. Do this for you, and not for anyone else.

Navy or Air Force...End this dispute?

Army and Navy suck, If you want to be the most comfortable go with the Air Force. If you want to be respected be a Marine.

Hi, i am 4 weeks 5 days pregnant and dont really have any symptoms. is that normal?

i had a little nausea this morning but it went away after i lay down for a while. some days i am starving all day long other days i feel just normal. my breasts dont hurt i dont throw up. i am a bit more tired though. please help me. i had a miscarriage back in april and really want to feeel pregnant. ( DO YOU ALL THINK IM AM BEING PARANOID?

Can anyone give me a HEALTHY diet (I'm 14)?

So I am a 14 year old girl, 5'7" and I weigh 126.5 pounds. Since thursday I have ben going on a diet of about 250 calories a day. I lost a lot of weight in this short time (about 7 pounds) but today I experienced some problems. I woke up and practically fainted 3 different times, and I was having a hard time breathing. I found out this was because of my unhealthy diet. I just need to lose about 11 pounds by the end of august, but I would like to begin again in a healthier way where I am not starving myself like I was before. I would like a healthy diet and exercise plan to follow each day. 10 points for best answer!! Thanks

Is Prince Charles a Vegetarian? If so, how long has he been one?

Is Camilla required to be one? Does she enjoy gardening and juicing and preparing green salads, or is it all horses with this woman?

What was the TRS nickname for Squadron 3723 at lackland Air Force base basic training during 1984? ?

Training Squadrons (TRS) use to have nicknames at that time now I understand they were done away with. Mine had a TI who was former OSI and would play a lot of head games that offciers would get in OTS. Believe me there was a lot of head games. I thought we were called the Mickey Mouse Squadron for the tradition of Air Force military Intelligence that went back to the 6002th and 6004th squadron that existed in Korea in the 1950's and Early 60's I believe we had the same mascot as the 6004th sqd a mickey dress up like the hamburgler or like mad's magazine spy vs spy? I know we did have TI's from the sister squadron who test our dorm guards with a fake photo ID with mickey mouse on it. HaHaHa that was just one part of the head games fun. And all the screaming you would not believe even when we did follow the rules. I felt everyone who graduated from my basic training was well groom with Intel head games and most of us went into law enforment with the Air force and some of us who sign up after our frist term went to Bolling Afb for OSI training. I ended up with a roomate in the barracks who was with the OSI after I finished tech school in sheppard for medical logistics. I Know I had as much fun with him as he had with me. LoL I found out later I was never really far away from the OSI crowd during my Air Force career so all those head games paid off. I am really grateful for all the training I received from my TI it was the best. But were we called mickey mouse squadron for the fake ID or because we had a former intelligence personal who love the Korean Squadron of the 6002 or 6004?

What is the process for getting housing on or near a military base and child care?

My hubby will be returning soon from his deployment. He is currently a Private First Class but he is hoping that he will soon be eligible for promotion. My father and grandfather (one of my grandfathers!!) were in the military. They both served prior to getting married so their experience might be different from my husbands. Both of them lived in barracks on base. Sometimes they tell stories about their experiences but what I've gathered from hearing them is that both lived with many other men and had a bunk bed lined up with the beds of other soldiers. My husband and I and our daughter want to live together on or near his base while he reports every morning for military duty (except Saturday and Sunday and Federal Holidays lol lol!!). What generally is the process? Also would I be eligible for child care? I'd like to register for classes at a nearby universities. Do military bases have universities nearby? Can I get a discount rate for classes? Do I have to pay out of state tuition? I am a Mathematics Major and finished a lot of the requirements for an Associate of Science (two year degree). I'd like to major in Applied Math with an emphasis on Statistical Analysis. Can I do that while my husband is serving in the capacity as a Private First Class or hopefully Specialist 4?

What could be wrong with my little cousin?

Shes 6 months old and is still the size of a 2 week old. Shes alert, but stays rigid and doesnt move her arms or legs, just keeps her hands balled up at her chest. The doctors cant figure out whats wrong with her. Shes fed well, so they arent starving her, she just doesnt grow and still wants to eat the same amount as when she was 2 weeks old. Her arms and legs are so tiny, and her body just stays stiff all teh time. She doesnt move her head or laugh or smile, just looks around, cries when shes hungry. Shes not retarded and she doesnt have downs or anything like that, but we're so worried, does anyone have ANY idea what these could be signs of?

Why is the Christian God not a loving God?

This is the age-old question (although a good one) of the existence of evil. As a follower of Jesus...honestly I have no answer. I recognize the twistedness of alzheimers, of cerebral palsey and I have a friend with Multiple Sclerosis (he cannot walk or even move his hands). The brokenness all around us is very real. Through the suffering I've endured (both physical illness) and also profound emotional suffering in a family who do not function as a loving family the only thing I can say is that God has revealed Himself to me. I know His character and am becoming more and more confident of His love and His goodness. When others distort His character, say things about Him that are not true ...I know Him. This is such a difficult question and any pat answer would simply be stupid. Hope that this gets the conversation started.

Is it wrong to leave food on plate?

so i used to eat quite a bit but ever since i decided to lead a healthy lifestyle i have cut down on my intake of food. I mean i dont starve, if im hungry i'll defi eat but it seems like now restaurant portions are just too big for me! i chew my food slowly so prob by the end of the meal i'll still have 1/4 of my food left. My mum kept commenting that i should just eat the food and she doesn't believe that im genuinely full. Its kind of irritating cause i dont like the feeling of bloatedness. I've only started this healthy living thing this yr so you can probably say its a drastic change? What should i do to make her trust me that im really full?

Weird dream about kittens?

I had a dream that I was living in this really old big house, even though I have never seen it before in my life. In the dream my friend and I went upstairs to this area which kind of looked like a attic. In the attic there was a litter of black kittens, but also a small child appeared. The boy looked about 3 yrs old, and he had blonde hair. He also appeared to be filthy, starved, and dehydrated, and he was also shirtless. Can some one help me figure out what this odd dream means?

Do Single Soldiers in the Army have to pay for their barracks?

No, a single soldier does not pay for their living quarters. You are given a room with electricity, heat, bed & bedding. You do however have to pay for things such as phone, cable, internet etc.

What are some uplifting dance/techno songs?

I want some songs similar to the songs like Norrk�ping Stad by Zeto Inc or Two Hearts Together by Neimer. I also love a basshunters songs like Camilla, Numbers, and of course Dota. Yeah, im looking songs similar to the ones mentioned, like the same type of sound i guess you would say.

Dos anyone else see the similarity between Barrack Obama and Josef Stalin?

i know you're right, but I'd LOVE to see you redo this question with links for all of that, just so I didn't have to come back to it and see "source?" or "link?" etc.

Can i receive compensation from the marine corps if i was infected with mrsa?

while doing work ups for a deployment i was infected with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). which is a bacterial infection that is highly resistant to some antibiotics and never leaves the body but lays dormant, i got it when we got back to our barracks and our leadership would do stupid things like run us to the point where we were dirty and sweaty but then give us 10 min to clean our rooms go get food and shower. our barracks were conjoined rooms sharing one shower and one toilet between 4 marines. we barely had time to get dressed so all of us would just put our cammies on over our nasty dirty pt gear, and clean our rooms. our leadership didnt really care if we lived that dirty and i was called a nasty **** for getting mrsa when if you really look at it if they werent so stupid and disregarding towards there own troops and gave time to shower and clean ourselves i wouldnt have been infected.

My Cousin Is Going Into the Marines...?

And we wanted to get him a gift before he gets shipped out. He JUST got out of school. His graduation is like in augest and he's being shipped out like november. So, does anyone know if he can bring a Pandigital or an Amazon Kindle? We want to get him a gift for when he's in the barracks.


Hello, My name is Mario, i am 13 years old, bmi of 27.5, 5 foot 6, and 165 pounds,my metabolism used to be lighting quick when i was in egypt (my home country) but when i came to the U.S. i started gaining lots and lots of weight, and im fat, and im not proud of my body! I NEED TO DROP OFF 30 POUNDS, SO I COULD BE NORMAL WEIGHT, 30 POUNDS OR MORE pleaseeeeeee help me, i will do anything, I will starve myself for days, i did it before, please help! thank u

Army Barracks 2011 for Single Soldiers?

I had kids but when I went active duty from the reserves and was seperated (but not yet divorced) I had to stay in the barracks, the Panama barracks were in an old insane assalum across from the grave yard half a mile from the mormon church. The furniture was ate-up. still they had room inspections. (The Panama cable blinked) My one year tour to Korea was the showers were what I called a cold Bosnian shower. My roomate had her Bf sleepover so I talked to her NCO. The PSYOP barracks were new but my husband pointed out that they had a center court hwere a unibomber could just drive a car into and bomb the whole barracks. Great. The barracks door opened up into the outdoors. The two soldiers shared their own bathroom and had a microwave and a fridge. My 1SGT was under the old rules and lived in the barracks for sometime. However the old 82nd barracks were on youtube.

My horse is overweight and a big eater, what the best horse feed to put him on?

i'm assuming you're from america by the things your horse is in training for so i can't really recommend any brand specific horse feeds because I think they might be different there however i can recommend maybe a low sugar, high fibre diet. if you don't want to feed him less maybe try exercising him more. have you thought about maybe lunging him if you don't have time to ride or riding for longer uphill - obviously working slowly to build his fitness. what i tend to do as well is just feed pony nuts with lots of carrots and apples and possibly a tiny bit of chaff and then mix in a good dose of vitamin powder (horse dependent, i used to use ones for the older generation) so he'll still get the nutrients and still be in his feed routine but wont be getting any of the calories. balance this with a good exercise program and he should be fit and slim in no time :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Am i over - excersising??

i run 7 - 12 miles a day ,even when i get tired i keep running because the demand to lose weight keeps me going. i do about 4 hours of excersise every day. i run in any condition including the extreme summer heat here in death valley. i am 14 years old and im 220 lbs 5 feet 8 inches tall. My first wake up call was about last week when i was playing xbox and i could hear my heavy breathing in the silence. also i can't tie my shoes without a chair anymore so i started running , the first 2 days were looking bad i was having aches and soreness but i kept going even when i lost my breath and was sore, now it dosent bother me at all. i actually feel more mobile now and i feel fantastic after 7 miles ,i feel like i could keep going but the heat gets scary out here. i also do 10 push ups and 50 sit ups. I am not starving myself but i only eat when im hungry , i used to eat things just because they looked yummy and not because i was hungry. but i have changed ..will i effectivly lose weight by december? if so whats your estimate of what my weight wil be in december. i have lost 3 lbs already in just 7 days.

Why is Camilla looked down upon title wise?

She was offered the title of princess but declined it and opted for the title of duchess instead. She won't be queen because she divorced her last husband. The Duchess of Cambridge will be queen when William takes the thrown because she has never been divorced. At least that is the way I understand it from watching a dvd about them.

What is enlisted life like in the navy?

If i joined the navy i want to be an aviation machinists mate, how much "liberty" does this job have? also what are the enlisted barracks like?

How do i get my mom to leave me alone?

she calls me a dumb *** saying i ain't smart and her soon to be husband eats all he food from me i starve all the time and she won't let me see my cousins or nobody please help and i packed my bags but don't know where to go i am only fifth teen

Ways for a 15 year old girl to lose about 3 pounds?

How should a 15 year old girl go about losing 3 pounds? I am already very active and running or getting some kind of intense workout 5 to 6 days a week. I am pretty small already but I think it'd be beneficial to my running if I shed just about 3 pounds. How should I go about this while still staying strong and not starving myself? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks so much!

Does sleeping help make hunger pains go away?

Dude, ur gonna starve to death o.o just go get something to drink and it'll make fathe away. Trust me. I'm hungry too right now :P

Am I a fat pig?? Well yes I am?

My belly is starving!!! Let's get sweets!! Lots and LOTS of SWEETS!!! Doughnuts, chocolate, and cake. Mmmm

Could being dehydrated add weight to my body?

Don't starve yourself. Eat healthy. IF you spend too much time on video games (WoW) cut on that and focus on the exercise even more but don't over do it because muscle can also add weight and you get inaccurate results of how much fat weight is in you.

Are our lives really that stressful?

Yes, I think so. I think that's why I like old t.v. shows that were before my time. A time of innocence and do it yourself. Now do it yourself (diy) is such a big deal. I love the idea of a simple life. People do whine too much. Others whining has changed my ways of living and dealings with most everyone.

Why do liberals fear Palin?

Seems like most liberals I know and those I view on MSNBC/CNN/Chris Matthews etc. have the same syndrome they had with W, PDS "Palin Dysfunctional Snydrome". There seems to be some thing about her the elites, GOP oldboys and cable snobs can't stand. Their comments attack her person, her family (even her challenged son). They use sexually derogative terms to describe her Tea Party affiliation. Is it they fear she will win once Barrack totally ruins the country?

What should I name my character and does she sound too perfect?

I think the character description is good,except for the details you added in the additional details because that would be overdoing it. I think her name should be something somewhat common like Cristina or Jasmine.

How busy will i be in the army?

When i go to the army after basic and ait, when im staying in the barracks after work will i be able to talk to my gf back at home alot like over the phone...and what do the weekends consist you work on weekends too? Do you get to stay in a hotel over the weekend?

Why does England asslick America so much?

just makes me sick seeing British mp's jumping around like little kids when Barrack O'Bama is in the room. as a whole English people love American music, movies and attitude, there just wannabes

What do you think about Barrack Obama?

Obama is a liar and a con man who is in way over his head. I can't wait to see him gone. Goodbye and good riddance.

Does she like me what does she mean?

hey so i have this girl that ive met recently she's 20 and been folowing me kinda well we work together and on our 3 hour brake she asked me if i wanna get some food from chowhall then she asked me if i wanna go to her barracks room and watch a movie with her alone in a room so we did, and now i was wondering did she meant anything by all that did she tried to make a move or expected something from me and if she did is it too late now? and how should i ask her?

What is wrong with me? I am showing behavioral signs of anorexia but I'm not anorexic. ?

I am not saying I am anorexic, but I've been having some issues with myself for as long as I can remember. I haven't eaten in 3 days and have lost 10 lbs. (I am now 5 foot 6 and 140) I am a very muscular and big boned girl and everyone always says how great of shape I'm in but I see myself as huge. I go through phases like this that last about 4 months all the time. I don't starve myself and I do eat when I need to. I have this willpower not to eat and I get extremely upset with myself when I do eat. My menstrual cycles have also stopped. What is this?

I have a stomach problem that i need help with. can anyone help?

my stomach has been feeling strange and im in a little bit of pain. i haven't been able to eat right for a couple days. every time i eat i feel full after the first couple bites. then later i will get hungry again and still will feel full. it started a couple days ago and i think its because i ate some crackers that were not good. but i also am lactose intolerant and drank milk a week ago. it is making me not sleep right. i will wake up around 3 in the morning feeling starving. it has also been making me poop but only a little at a time. i usually do it 1 time a day, but now its 3-4 times. i haven't gone to the doctors yet so i thought i could figure it out on my own, but i haven't matched anything i have looked up. it isn't always hurting it will just randomly happen.

Calorie question????

I'm trying to lose at least 5 pounds by the fourth of july so I've been being really active and eating better for the last few days. I think I burnt off 200 more calories than I took in today, and I wasn't starving myself I ate three nutritious meals with two snacks. I didn't stop moving all day and it was really fun, but I was wondering if I do this everyday from now on (burning 200 more calories than I'm taking in) will I lose the weight or just stay the same? I know that to lose a pound you have to burn roughly 3,500 calories, is the way I'm doing this healthy, should I take a more cautious approach, or eat more or what. Will I lose any weight at all? should I be more active?

Good name combination for baby boy?

Camilla is classic, Treyton isn't, it sound more like the capitol of NJ than Camilla's brother. Maybe something more classic for him, too: Camilla & Titus; Camilla & Rufus; Camilla & Quentin; Camilla & Maxwell; Camilla & Lucius; Camilla & Drusus; Camilla & August

How do i feed baby jack rabbits?

i saved them from the neighbors dog...he dug up the hole and ate like 3 of them didnt come back for the rest of that day so this morning i got the surviving rabbits and brought them in. ANYWAY how do i feed them?...the have fur...eyes are still closed..they're still so little...i tried feeding them with a eyedropper but they dont really drink any :(...i feel like they are starving

I didnt wait 30 minutes after going to the dentist?

they told me to wait 30 minutes after leaving to eat or drink anything but i was starving so i got McDonald's what is going to happen?

Is Queen Elizabeth happy about the Duchess of Cornwell one day becoming Queen-consort Camilla?

I don't think that she is. I was under the impression that the Queen gave her permission to the marriage on the condition that Camilla NEVER became Queen. It wasn't just the Queen that he had to get permission from, but also the Commonwealth realm countries.